Main Page

Welcome to the protocol wiki for the lab of Dr. Bryan Heit, at the University of Western Ontario. This site contains the protocols, and other information, we frequently use in our lab. Only laboratory members may edit pages, but anyone is welcome to use these protocols. If you use these protocol, please cite us. A link for generating citations can be found on the left side of the page.
Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.
Lab members:
- To get a wiki account please contact Dr. Heit.
- Log in (upper-right side of screen) to add/edit pages.
- Please follow these formatting instructions when editing/creating protocols.
- To create a new page, follow these instructions.
Index of Protocols
Lab Operations |
DNA/Cloning |
Transfections and Transductions | ||
General Protocols |
Cell Biology |
LipidsBead Preparation |
Bacteria Work
Phagocytosis Protocols |
Protein Work |
Links to More Protocols
General Protocol Sites
Free Science Ebooks
Useful Links
Molecular Biology Databases
Molecular Biology Tools
Microscopy Tools
Journal Resources
In Vivo Tools
Protease Tools |
Genomics Resources |
Chemical Tools
Lipid Tools